Wednesday, November 12, 2008

QB Values


1. Drew Brees, NO, Age: 29

Brees has been getting it done even with sub par talent at WR for the last 5 weeks. He is on pace to go over 4,000 yards this season and now he has Colston back. Brees is set for the foreseeable future to continue his domination.

2. Jay Cutler, DEN, Age: 25

He has really come on this season and has phenomenal rapport with his main man: Brandon Marshall. With the emergence of Eddie Royal in the WR2 position and Tony Scheffler at TE, Cutler has a full compliment of weapons.

3. Peyton Manning, IND, Age: 32

Harrison is back at least for this season, and Manning is back in his groove. When he is playing at his best nobody can touch him....unfortunately he isn't always playing his best these days.

4. Tony Romo, DAL, Age: 28

Currently has the best compliment of weapons around him of any QB in the league, and with the addition of Roy Williams it only gets stronger.

5. Tom Brady, NE, Age: 31

He'll be back next season and being a strong pocket passer shouldn't suffer too much from his knee surgery. The knee may limit his mobility a bit, but he should still have Moss and Welker to throw to so he should get back in stride quickly.

Strong Starters:

6. Aaron Rodgers, GB, Age: 24

Jennings has emerged as one of the leagues top receivers, and Driver has a few good years left in him. Rodgers has been playing tough, and playing well. He is young and poised for a long successful career.

7. Ben Roethlisberger, PIT, Age: 26

Big Ben has a solid team around him and although he doesn't always have the gaudiest numbers he is quite consistent.

8. Philip Rivers, SD, Age: 26

Rivers has a solid running game to keep the pressure off him, and has been throwing the ball very well this season. He has enough weapons around him to keep his numbers up.

Shaky Starters:

9. Donovan Mcnabb, PHL, Age: 31

Mcnabb is throwing to a second rate receiving core, but at least the emergence of Desean Jackson has given him one legit target to throw to. Mcnabb is playing at a very high level right now, but Westbrooks constant injuries couple with Mcnabb's history of injuries makes him a shaky starter to rely on.

10. Kurt Warner, ARI, Age: 37

Warner is an anomaly. He is really pushing the age envelope but still playing incredibly well. He is shaky because of his age and long term status - he will be playing as a top 5 QB for at least the rest of this year. While this makes him hard to rank, I'm putting him here and trusting that people will take his age into account when drafting or trading for him. Contenders buy, builders sell.

11. Matt Schaub, HOU, Age: 27

Schaub and Andre Johnson have really connected in the last couple years. They are both entering prime portions of their career and I expect big things from both of them. Sometimes prone to throwing too many picks, Schaub should be able to shake it off and put up big numbers.

12. Eli Manning, NYG, Age: 27

Let me start by saying that I am not an Eli Manning fan. I think he makes too many mental mistakes, and he will certainly never be as good as his big brother. With that said, the lesser manning will be throwing to Plaxico Burress for a few years and has decent value if you can get over his multiple INT performances every now and then.

13. Matt Ryan, ATL, Age: 23

Ryan doesn't look, act or play like a rookie. He has poise and makes all of the plays he needs to. There is a ton of upside, and if he can continue his consistent climb he will be top 10 soon enough.

14. David Garrard, JAX, Age: 30

Garrard doesnt have a lot of up or downside. He is a pretty consistent QB who is not prone to mistakes or INT's. He will get you consistent points but never win seasons for you.

Strong Backups:

15. Jason Campbell, WAS, Age: 26

I would like to rank Campbell higher, because I think he has a great skill set and can be a top QB in the NFL. Unfortunately he has been forced to learn too many different offenses recently and it may be showing through in his inconsistent play. Once I see some more consistency I will push him up.

16. Trent Edwards, BUF, Age: 25

Edwards is a solid QB. He has been averaging around 200 yards and 1 TD per game. He is a better real life QB than fantasy QB. He will not be putting up big numbers with regularity, but he is a great QB to have as a backup on your bench for bye weeks and injury filler.

17. Carson Palmer, CIN, Age: 29

Palmer didn't look very good before his elbow injury, and his elbow injury doesn't look good in and of itself. Chad Johnson may be on the decline and there is no running game to speak of for the Bengals right now or for the foreseeable future.

Shaky Backups:

18. Brady Quinn, CLE, Age: 23

Quinn has finally gotten a chance with the Browns organization to take hold of a starting position. He has good touch and accuracy on short to medium range passes, and it remains to be seen whether he has the control necessary to really air it out down the field. I like his prospects as a QB2 down the line. 

19. Jake Delhomme, CAR, Age: 33

Delhomme is looking to have recovered nicely from his surgery. Steve Smith is still tearing secondaries to shreds and Delhomme is doing a great job of getting him the ball. With Jonathan Stewart and DeAngelo Williams as a two headed backfield monster keeping pressure off of him Delhomme should have a nice year.

20. Joe Flacco, BAL, Age: 22

Joe Flacco has a huge arm and has been progressing nicely this season. He is putting up low starter quality numbers, and if you can grab him now you may be getting him at the end of the buy-low period. 

21. Matt Hasselbeck, SEA, Age: 33

Lacking WRs and a solid line, Hasselbeck is having a rough season. He is 33 and I don't see much future upside for him.

22. Kyle Orton, CHI, Age: 25

Hes making throws all over the field to his motley WR crew. There is a lot of risk here, but at this point in the rankings he is a solid buy.

Stash Em:

23. Marc Bulger, STL, Age: 31

The Rams are awful this year, and will need to do some major rebuilding in the offseason. If they do manage to get something going on offense next year Bulger still has tools in Holt and the rookie Avery he can utilize.

24. Vince Young, TEN, Age: 25

Even when he was starting Young wasn't really getting it done on the field. Hopefully he will work out whatever issues he had before he goes back in. His upside is pretty low in fantasy terms, as he has never been a fantasy stud.

25. Jamarcus Russell, OAK, Age: 23

Big arm, big contract, small results. Russell has not developed as rapidly as the Raiders may have hoped. He has a ways to go before we can tell if he will be a startable fantasy QB.

26. Brett Favre, NYJ, Age: 39

Favre is giving it a hell of a go this year. He will give you a chance at a huge game every week and is a great play if you don't have a solid starter. He is ranked this low because of the obvious impending retirement.

27. Derek Anderson, CLE, Age: 25

Huge job security concerns with Quinn pushing to play. If Anderson can keep getting long completions to Braylon Edwards and remain on top of his game he has a chance to put up nice numbers.

28. Matt Leinart

29. Drew Stanton


30. Chad Pennington: I don't see him as a long term solution in miami, but he is playing pretty well right now. Rank him up in the lower 20's if you need a starting QB to throw in your lineup but don't expect anything after this year. 

31. Sage Rosenfels

32. Kevin Kolb

33. Tarvaris Jackson

34. J.P. Losman

35. Chad Henne

36. J.T. O'Sullivan

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